If you are among the many bench pressers who experience shoulder pain, you are not alone. When you are in this situation you normally have two choices: 1) stop working out; or 2) don’t do any bench pressing. Now there is a 3rd option: a New York Barbell Magnum Bar. With two choices of bars, the positioning of the hands on this bar usually allows you to perform bench pressing without shoulder pain.
Although this is not always the case, many bench pressers have resorted to using these bars without shoulder pain. The reason for this is that the handles are strategically positioned so your arms and shoulders work in different angles whereby removing some or most of the stress on the rotator cuff muscles – the muscles that are usually injured because of improper technique or too heavy and/or too repetitive benching.
The Magnum Bars offer two distinct but similar handgrips. One has 3 grip options that are perpendicular to the horizontal bar while the other offers 4 grips that are on an angle to the horizontal bar. Both work the same way but offer some variety from each other.
In addition, these bars can be used for Tricep Extensions like the name intimidating “Skull Crushers” or the popular Close-Grip Bench (Tricep) Presses. These bars can also be used for the likes of Hammer Curls, Front Deltoid Raises, and Rows.
The New York Barbell Magnum Bars fit on most Olympic Benches and Power Racks and are rated for 600 lbs. Both are actually portable in that the weight sleeves can be disconnected from the main body of the bar.
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